

Yeahoooooooooooo~~finally computer got reformet ler....thanks for my cousin brother..this time have to pay him ler because we are not the 1st time reformet d..haiz...oso dun know why my computer so panai attract the virus geh...cham...but anyway,he helped me install many programes ler..he said got a vry geng one geh antivirus programme too...hope it really works!!
Supposed to write in bc actually,but i not yet set the language..and forgot how to set d...so after write blog oni go settle settle it lar...haha...long time dint blog hands really itchy..
Frankly,my hands really itchy by the way..my legs,backbone there and my whole body oso itchy after i bath..Thought ate sumthing wrong...but i cnt even remember what i hav eat can cause that...i also dint sensitive to food de...haiz..den my mum said i get 'feng mo'..ppl will get when they drunk o bite by sum insects o their body weaks...dun care what the reason is lar...i juz keep scratching...really so tired...and all the scar cum out d...reali scary doh!!!haiz...wat hapen to me ar...........den mummy use a hankerchief with ginger and let me to sapu...oni i feel gud a bit...thanks mum~~then i heard ppl said cnt on the fan or u will more serious...so i oso dint on the fan now...im sweating istead...>.<
tomoror got mesyuarat agung o...hope evrthing will be fine...
I hope I got sumone who really really do care me...im not greedy..can I..?